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Court of Protection Deputyship

Court of Protection Deputyship

If someone you care about loses the ability to make their own decisions you can apply to the Court of Protection for permission to make decisions for them. You will be known as their Deputy. This may be as a result of a medical condition, a mental health problem, a learning disability, or brain injury.

To apply, there are a series of forms that need to be completed. Its important they are completed correctly and you are clear about which powers you are applying for. We can help you apply for a deputyship or if you are already a Deputy we can help you with your duties.

What is the Court of Protection?

The court of protection is a government body that makes decisions on finances and welfare matters on behalf of people who are unable to make those decisions for themselves. The Court can also give these powers to someone else if there is a need for decisions to be made on an ongoing basis.

Who can be a deputy?

Deputies are usually friends or relatives of the person who needs help to make their decisions. They can also be a solicitor.

There are two forms of Court of Protection deputyship:

  • Deputyship for property and affairs
  • Deputyship for personal welfare

Managing the finances and welfare can be complex and stressful. We can provide help and advice, in any number of areas, including submitting the annual report to the Office of the Public Guardian.

Who to contact ?

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