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Charity employee awarded £90,000 in sexual harassment case

An employee at an anti-abuse charity has been awarded £90,000 compensation after being subjected to a prolonged campaign of harassment by her manager. The employee, who cannot be named for legal reasons, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of her treatment as the Roshni charity, which is based in Glasgow. The Employment Tribunal was told that the charity’s founder, Ali Khan, verbally and physically abused the employee …Read More

Mother wins the right to keep her son in the UK

A mother has won the right to keep her son in the UK after the father took legal action to take him to Australia. The case involved a couple who met and formed a long distance relationship in 2011. They had a son together but separated soon afterwards. She continued to live in England with her son and the father stayed in Australia. During this time they reconciled and separated …Read More

Father allowed only indirect contact with his children

A father who lashed out at his children in a restaurant has been told he can only have indirect contact with them for at least the next two years. The case involved a couple who had three children together during their marriage. Following the breakdown of the relationship, the father wanted to remove the children to Saudi Arabia but the court denied permission. He moved out of the family home …Read More

Woman wins sex discrimination claim in flexible working case

A woman has won her claim of sex discrimination against an airline that refused her request for flexible working after she returned from maternity leave. Emma Seville worked full time for Flybe as a cabin crew member for 13 years. Her rota was flexible, which meant she could work any 22 days of each month. When she returned from maternity leave, she asked to work on a fixed pre-arranged rota …Read More

Family disputes over wills and inheritance continue to rise

The number of family disputes over wills continues to rise according to new research. A report in the Times newspaper says there was an 11% increase last year in the number of people challenging their parents’ wills in the High Court. It’s thought that an increasing number of cases are also being settled out of court. Lawyers say there could be several reasons for the increase but it’s likely that …Read More

Wife awarded divorce settlement that reflects lavish lifestyle

A wife has been granted a divorce settlement that is fair to her husband but reflects her lavish lifestyle during the marriage. The case involved a couple who had been married for 12 years. The husband was from Saudi Arabia and the wife was an American. Their matrimonial home had been in England, and the wife and daughter continued to live there. The husband, who was terminally ill, had been …Read More

Employee wins appeal over compensation for unfair dismissal

An employee has won an appeal against a tribunal’s decision not to award him compensation even though it decided he had been unfairly dismissed. The issue arose because the tribunal had found that the dismissal was unfair due to the lack of consultation before making him redundant. However, it decided not to award any compensation on the basis that he would have been dismissed by the same date even if …Read More