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Our legal & business memberships.


The Law Society represents solicitors in England and Wales. From negotiating with and lobbying the profession’s regulators, government and others, to offering training and advice, their purpose is to help, protect and promote solicitors across England and Wales.


The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) regulates more than 120,000 solicitors in England and Wales, as well as registered European lawyers and registered foreign lawyers. They are the independent regulatory body of the Law Society of England and Wales.


The Society of Trust and Estate Practioners is a unique professional body providing members with a local, national and international learning and business network focusing on the responsible stewardship of assets today and across the generations. STEP provides education, training, representation and networking for its members. Full members are the most experienced and senior practitioners in the field of trusts and estates.


Resolution’s 5500 members are family lawyers committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes. Their members follow a Code of Practice that promotes a non-confrontational approach to family problems. Their members encourage solutions that consider the needs of the whole family, and in particular the best interests of children.

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The Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) provides a recognised quality standard for residential conveyancing practices. Membership establishes a level of credibility for firms with stakeholders such as regulators, lenders and insurers as well as residential homebuyers and sellers.

Since inception in 2011, the CQS has created a trusted community which has helped year on year to deter fraud and continually improve standards across the residential conveyancing sector.

Lawyers for your Business

Lawyers For Your Business (LFYB) is a membership scheme managed and promoted by the Law Society to help you to find long-term clients in the small- and medium-sized business sector, from start-up businesses to those with a turnover of up to £25m per annum.

Our aim is to promote the value of legal advice to anyone starting or growing their business by connecting them with you for a free consultation to talk through the issues the business faces and how you can help.


BNI is business organisation that allows only one person from each trade or profession to join a chapter. With over 5,866 active chapters, and 139,971 members, it is the most successful business referral organisation in the world. BNI provides a structured, supportive, business environment in which local business people can get together to network, learn valuable new marketing skills and develop the strong personal relationships that lead to trust and the consequent generation of significant business for each other.

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The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) is the national body for a powerful and influential Network of Accredited Chambers of Commerce across the UK, a Network that directly serves not only its member businesses but the wider business community. No other business organisation has the geographic spread of the BCC. Every Chamber sits at the very heart of its local business community providing representation, services, information and guidance to its members.

Institute of Directors (IoD)

Champions the entrepreneur and seeks to provide an environment conducive to business success. For any company to prosper, directors will be continually engaged in making decisions involving innovation, risk and investment. Entrepreneurial activity needs to take place within a solid, strategic framework, informed decisions depend upon knowledge and experience. The IoD is dedicated to providing directors with the information and advice they require to help their business succeed.