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Bates TEAM10 + 1 Complete the Fleet Half Marathon 2016

Sally, Tash, Polly, Joe and Luke, five of Bates TEAM10 + 1 runners

Sally, Tash, Polly, Joe and Luke

Bates TEAM10 + 1 complete the Fleet Half Marathon on Sunday 20 March 2016 and raise funds in aid of the Matthew Elvidge Trust.

Pictured are five of our TEAM10 + 1 runners Sally, Tash, Bates Legal Trainee Polly Ashurst, Joe and Luke prior to the run on a cool, dry morning which was perfect weather for the run.   For Sally and Tash the race was a warm up for the London Marathon 2016.

Our TEAM10 +1 were amongst 160 athletes running in support of The Matthew Elvidge Trust in its 6th year participating in the FHM.  The Trust reported raising in excess of £15,000 on the day which will fund its work in raising awareness of the importance of emotional well being and mental health.

Visit thematthewelvidgetrust.com for more information

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